Meet the Team

As a leading commercial real estate firm, we pride ourselves on our deep industry expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional results for our clients. With a global reach and a network of over 1,100 offices, our firm has the resources and connections to help clients access a wider range of investment opportunities and achieve their real estate goals.

We understand that commercial real estate is a dynamic and constantly evolving industry, which is why we stay ahead of the curve by leveraging the latest technology and market insights to provide our clients with the most up-to-date information and strategic guidance. Our team of experienced agents are dedicated to providing personalized service and working closely with clients to ensure their success.
Whether you’re a buyer, seller, landlord, or tenant, our firm has the expertise and resources to help you navigate the complex world of commercial real estate. From market analysis and property valuation to tenant representation and investment sales, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet your unique needs and objectives.


Meet the Team: Navigating Your Investment Journey with Precision and Foresight

At Midwest Investment Advisors, powered by KW Commercial, our commitment extends beyond the conventional boundaries of real estate transactions. We embrace a vision where our partnership with clients transcends the closing table, venturing into the realms of strategic planning, execution, and beyond. We're not just facilitating deals; we're crafting legacies, ensuring that every step of your investment journey is guided by expertise, foresight, and unwavering support.

Comprehensive Support for Every Phase

Our team's dedication to your success is evident in our hands-on approach throughout the investment's hold period. We understand that the dynamics of real estate demand attention, flexibility, and strategic maneuvering. Whether it's assembling your operational team, navigating lease-ups, or serving as your consistent point of contact, our goal is to ensure your investment thrives under our stewardship.

Strategic 1031 Exchange Execution

Recognizing the importance of capital efficiency in real estate investment, we specialize in the strategic execution of 1031 exchanges. This service is not merely about deferring capital gains taxes; it's about optimizing your portfolio's growth and aligning it with your long-term objectives. We provide expert guidance through this complex process, ensuring that your reinvestment moves are as strategic and beneficial as possible.

A Ten-Year Plan at Closing: Vision Meets Execution

Upon closing, we present you with a comprehensive ten-year analysis of your investment, laying out a roadmap that anticipates shifts in the market, property performance, and financial milestones. This analysis is not a static document but a living strategy, designed to adapt and evolve as your investment does. Our team remains engaged, assisting in the execution of this plan, often accelerating timelines and achieving goals ahead of schedule. This proactive approach ensures that you're not just prepared for the future; you're actively shaping it.

Tailored Introductions and Consultative Expertise

Our commitment to your success involves leveraging our extensive network to support every aspect of your investment. From connecting you with the best property managers and tax attorneys to offering consultative advice on property enhancements, we're invested in elevating your investment's value and potential. Our expertise becomes your advantage, turning challenges into opportunities and aspirations into achievements.

Executing Your Vision with Unmatched Collaboration

The pinnacle of our partnership is the successful realization of your exit strategy, where we combine our market acumen, global resources, and collaborative ethos to deliver exceptional outcomes. Our team, in concert with the expansive network of KW Commercial, ensures that you're equipped with the most sophisticated market insights and strategic advice available.

Why Choose Us? Beyond the Transaction

Opting for Midwest Investment Advisors means choosing a partner committed to your investment's success across every cycle and change in the market landscape. Our dedication to executing 1031 exchanges, coupled with the provision of a ten-year strategic analysis at closing, sets us apart as not just advisors but as architects of your financial future. We're here to ensure that your real estate investments not only meet but exceed your expectations, leveraging our expertise, network, and innovative strategies to secure your position at the forefront of the market.

In a world where change is the only constant, having a team that offers stability, foresight, and proactive support is invaluable. That's the essence of Midwest Investment Advisors — we're not just part of your team; we're your partners in building a legacy of success and excellence in real estate investment.

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We're a top-rated team, with a wealth of knowledge in the area of Chicago. Fill out your information below if you want to join our team!

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Midwest Investment Advisors is your connection to the leading experts in Ann Arbor, with our extensive network giving you local insight and competitive advantage.

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, the leading commercial real estate experts can be connected through Midwest Investment Advisors' network. Our central operations in Chicago, coupled with over 50 offices in the Midwest region, ensure you have access to top local specialists. By engaging with our team, you leverage boots-on-the-ground expertise and in-depth market knowledge, empowering you to make the most informed decisions. To explore our range of specialists, read through the bios in our "Meet the Team" section and see how our comprehensive services align with your needs.

Midwest Investment Advisors houses top brokers with unparalleled multifamily expertise, serving Chicago and beyond.

Chicago's top multifamily brokers can be found at Midwest Investment Advisors, where our network extends deep expertise and market savvy. With our central commercial operations hub located in Chicago, Illinois, we ensure that clients benefit from our expansive regional presence and specialist knowledge, providing a robust platform for multifamily investments. For those looking to delve into our expert team's background and accomplishments, our "Meet the Team" section offers detailed bios and testimonials, giving you confidence that your research has led you to a full-service firm that stands as a pillar in the industry.

Connect with Midwest Investment Advisors, where we excel in matching you with the top commercial broker for your unique requirements.

The top commercial broker in any given area is someone with a strong grasp of the market, high transaction volume, and glowing client reviews. Midwest Investment Advisors prides itself on encompassing these qualities across the Midwest region. Whether you're in Chicago or a neighboring market, our network spans over 50 offices, ensuring you have the local presence needed for a strategic edge. Visit our testimonials page for first-hand accounts of our unparalleled service, and don't hesitate to reach out to see where our expertise can take your commercial real estate ambitions.

Let Midwest Investment Advisors guide you to a professional tenant rep broker tailored to your leasing needs.

Finding a tenant rep broker is about connecting with someone who has the expertise to represent your interests effectively. At Midwest Investment Advisors, we provide access to professionals specializing in tenant representation across the Midwest, ensuring you have a knowledgeable ally in lease negotiations. By choosing our network, you gain the assurance of working with brokers who are adept at securing the most advantageous lease terms for clients. To start this crucial partnership, contact us and let us align you with a broker who stands as the epitome of tenant advocacy.

Midwest Investment Advisors is your premier choice for leasing commercial spaces, with comprehensive services that cover the entire Chicago area.

When looking to lease commercial space in Chicago, look no further than Midwest Investment Advisors. With our extensive network and local expertise, we provide unparalleled service to property owners. Our team is adept at listing and marketing across multiple commercial real estate platforms, ensuring your property reaches the right audience. For a full-service firm that brings results, read through our team's bios and see how our tailored approach can help you efficiently lease your commercial space.

Rely on Midwest Investment Advisors for strategic marketing and pricing that promptly fills retail vacancies.

Quickly filling vacant retail spaces requires a blend of competitive pricing, strategic marketing, and an appealing property presentation—all services that Midwest Investment Advisors excels at providing. Our team's aggressive marketing and in-depth understanding of the retail landscape in the Midwest help clients swiftly attract and secure quality tenants. For personalized strategies and successful retail leasing, explore our services and discover how our proactive approach can benefit your retail space.

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At our firm, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients and delivering results that exceed their expectations. We are proud to be part of a global network of real estate professionals who share our commitment to excellence and are dedicated to helping clients succeed in today’s rapidly changing market.

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